Effective from Jan. 1st 2016
1. 牛肉派 (口味選擇不定期更換) Beef Pie (Flavor selections changing from time to time) @ NT$ 100 個 / Each
2. 雞肉派 (口味選擇不定期更換) Chicken Pie (Flavor selections changing from time to time) @ NT$ 100 個 / Each
3. 咖哩蔬菜派 (含蛋,大蒜,洋蔥,乳製品成份) Vegetable Curry Pie (Contains egg, garlic, onion and dairy products) @ NT$ 90 個 / Each
4. 培根蛋派 Bacon & Egg Pie @ NT$ 500 一組6個 / Pack of 6 Pies
1. 水果派 (口味選擇不定期更換) Fruit Pie (Fruit selection changing from time to time) @ NT $ 900 一組12個 / Pack of 12 Pies
*** 單個派買十送一,買二十送二,以此類推,可混搭 (培根蛋跟甜派除外),價低品項優先贈送。
*** Single pie buy 10 and get 1 FREE, buy 20 and get 2 FREE so forth. Assorted (Excluding Bacon & Egg Pie and Sweet Pie). Free pie must be less value.
# 訂購金額 NT $ 2,000 以上台北市全區免運,未滿 NT $ 2,000 需另加外送費 NT$ 75,未滿 NT $ 1,000 需另加外送費 NT$ 150。
# 其他地區冷凍宅配費用為 NT$ 150 起。
1. 電話 0987 108 801 或 LINE (LINE ID: kiwi_leo_168)。
2. E-mail: tuckshop.tw@gmail.com
1. 貨到付現(限台北市區)。
2. 其他台灣地區採用先匯款後低溫冷凍宅配到府。
預購資料 (請務必註明):
1. 預購人大名:
2. 聯絡電話 & E-mail:
3. 送貨地址(3+2郵遞區號):
4. 公司或是住家:
5. 數量(組):
6. 生派(未烤)或是熟派(預烤):
# FREE delivery within Taipei City Districts with purchase over NT $ 2,000, add NT $ 75 delivery fee with purchase under NT $ 2,000, add NT $ 150 delivery fee with purchase under NT $ 1,000.
# ALL other areas via frozen courier service with delivery fee starting from NT $150.
1. Phone 0987 108 801 OR LINE (LINE ID: kiwi_leo_168).
2. E-mail: tuckshop.tw@gmail.com
1. Taipei City districts: CASH on delivery.
2. All other areas: Bank wire transfer including courier fee in advance.
1. Name:
2. Contact Phone Number & E-mail:
3. Shipping Address (3+2 Postcode):
4. Work or Home:
5. Quantity (Pack):
6. Unbaked (Uncooked) Pies or Baked Pies:
### 注意事項 (必讀) ###
1. 產品內容,口味及包裝以實際供應自行加熱或烘烤為準。
2. 每週限量100%手工製作與烘焙,收到訂單後將連絡您確認大約出貨時間。請耐心等候。
3. 無店面,無自取服務,無法到現場購買取貨。請見諒!
4. 台北市區外訂單付款一律採用銀行匯款,款項收到後將連絡您確認大約出貨時間冷凍宅配到府。
5. 訂購單確認並生效後需要更改或取消,麻煩請務必儘早通知確認。
6. 銀行匯款後,麻煩請以電話 / LINE / E-mail 通知帳號末五碼以便確認。
7. 低溫冷凍宅配其他台灣地區運費另計,其他預購需求另議。
8. 里奧的灶咖有隨時調整活動優惠及細節之權利。
9. 使用100%澳洲牛肉 或是 100%台灣雞肉 或是 100%台灣豬肉。
10. 里奧的灶咖有隨時調整外送時間表之權利。
11. 培根蛋派跟甜派只售預烤。
1. Actual product content, taste and packaging are considered as final.
2. Pies are 100% handmade at weekly basis, therefore will contact you to confirm delivery time when your purchase order is ready for process. Your patience is highly appreciated!
3. Self pick up service is not available. Sorry!
4. Bank transfer in advance for purchase order outsideTaipei City . Sorry!
5. Please contact us at the earliest for changes or cancellation of your purchase order.
6. Please contact via phone, LINE or e-mail after bank transfer stating last 5 digits of the bank account for payment confirmation.
7. Shipping extra for other areas of Taiwan via low temperature frozen courier service. Please inquire for any special request.
8. Leo’s Tuck Shop reserves the right to make changes from time to time to the contents as well as terms and conditions of this webpage at any time without notice.
9. Using 100% Australian Beef OR 100% Taiwan Chicken OR 100% Taiwan Pork.
10. Leo's Tuck Shop reserves the right to make changes from time to time to delivery schedule without notice.
11. Bacon & Egg Pie and Sweet Pie can offer pre-baked ONLY.
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